Thursday, April 22, 2010

Certified ScrumMaster Training in Bristol!

I'm running a public Certified ScrumMaster training class in Bristol on 14th & 15th June 2010. Early bird discounts are available until 14th May 2010. More details can be found on the Scrum Alliance website:

Please contact me directly if you are interested in attending.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Top 5 ScrumMaster Bloopers

I've observed a number of different ScrumMasters facilitating a number of scrum teams and I thought I would summarise the most common pitfalls/bad habits I see most ScrumMasters fall into. By no means am I perfect either, as some of these I even notice myself doing!!!

1. The "Top and Tail" ScrumMaster. Someone who always speaks first or last (or both) at the daily scrum meetings.

2. The "Alarm Clock" ScrumMaster. Someone who calls the start of the daily scrum meetings every day without fail.

3. The "Secretary" ScrumMaster. Someone who always updates the scrum artifacts themself.

4. The "Iconic" ScrumMaster. Someone who calls the team to worship (around their desk) for a daily scrum.

5. The Step-ScrumMaster. Someone who is ScrumMaster-ing another team and likes to think they spend enough time with both, but really they don't.